623-217-2000 623-500-5099 hearttoheartgrouphome@gmail.com
Allow us to provide the right care to your loved ones.
Service Description:

A service that provides a qualified individual to supply the needed services for an individual to remain in his or her home or participate in work/community activities.

Service Goals:

This service may be provided in the following settings:

  • In the Member’s home
  • In a direct state-contracted developmental home (where the licensee contracts directly with DDD) when there is a specific issue, problem, or concern believed to be temporary or short-term and approved by DDD.
  • In the Member’s community while accompanying the Member or while shopping/picking up medications
Service Objectives:
  • To assist the Member to attain or maintain safe and sanitary living conditions and maintain personal cleanliness and the activities of daily living
  • To assist the Member to remain in his or her home and participate in community activities